Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Psychiatry – A Summary
This bibliographic review appraises Artificial Intelligence (AI) theory’s applications in the field of psychiatry. Globally hundreds of millions of people suffer from mental disorders.
This bibliographic review appraises Artificial Intelligence (AI) theory’s applications in the field of psychiatry. Globally hundreds of millions of people suffer from mental disorders.
Natural Killer (NK) cells are the key lymphocyte subset of the natural immune system that arbitrates antiviral and anticancer responses. In the human body NK cells inhabit in the bone marrow, lymph nodes, tonsils, skin, liver, gut, and lungs.
In 2017 the CDC reported more than 2.8 million total deaths due to various causes [1]. Diseases of the heart were the number one cause of death with a count of more than 647,000. Influenza and pneumonia caused more than 55,000 deaths and were ranked 8th in causes of death. By August 20, 2020, the US has seen more than 175,000 deaths due to COVID-19.
8 hours in an exam room… Yet somehow the exam feels like it’s over the minute you sit down to take it.
At the time of writing this blog post, I am only a week removed from submitting my ERAS (Electronic Residency Application Service) application.
Wow… You made it! All of your hard work in high school and undergrad has finally paid off. You no longer hold the disreputable title